attention petite girlies

Petite ladies, time to rejoice. I found the perfect subscription box for us. Short Story is the premiere personal styling service for petite women. Using their expertise in petite proportions, they help women 5’4” and under find the perfect outfits and they carry sizes 00P-20P.

Get your first box here. And the styling fee will be waived.

Below are the pieces from my most recent box and they did not disappoint!

First I want to start with the fact that every single item was so short. I did a small petite in the tops and a 26P in the jeans. I really could have done an XSP but I have been gravitating toward looser tops.

The striped sweater would be perfect for Valentine’s Day and is not itchy in the least bit. The athletic set has functional zippered pockets, a zipper pocket in the back of the jacket, and thumb holes….the true trifefcta! The little tee will be perfet for laying under blazers and jackets now and perfect on it’s own in warmer weather.

For a closer look and try on reel. Check out this instagram post.

You know the drill! Get your curated box, try-on everything, keep what you love, and thank me later.

xoxo, nat


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